About Us

Performance Is What Matters.
Knowing who and what you invest your money in is important…
…but anyone can create a glossy brochure and make a prospectus look pretty. The fluff and good looking photo’s of the management team might give you a warm fuzzy – but in the end its only about the bottom line profits they produce for their partners-investors.
One of most unambiguous things about running a Fund is there is no confusion about your objective. Its only about performance and managing risk. It keeps things simple and clearly in focus. You either produce results or you don’t.
TradeJumpers is different only that performance levels are way beyond what most investors are used to. It seems incredulous that double digit returns (monthly) are even possible.
The TradeJumpers Edge
The strategy we deploy uses a proprietary intelligence collection technology that is able to map out a stock’s trajectory with uncanny accuracy. We start by picking the right events to dip our magic sauce with. It’s like A.I. on steroids. Though not perfect (and being continuously refined) its a potent edge. An edge with amazing potential
We focus our edge on equities with a known catalyst event like an upcoming earnings report. We then conduct a study using our trajectory analysis tools and determine the most probably outcome (direction) of the event. We map it over a 24 hour period. Knowing the direction is extremely empowering, and we are right more often than we are wrong – which is the crux of our edge. We trade both long and short positions based on the the data-set. If we are wrong – we cut our losses early. If right, we run the winners for max profit – but always back into cash as soon as practical. This is an important part of the strategy not only because being in cash is safe but to recycle our capital into the next event.
This is a much different paradigm for running a Fund. Its aggressive and action oriented. And totally outside the box. Doesn’t mean we ignore risk. We won’t trade an event unless we feel we have the direction and risk management factors dialed in. Of course we don’t always win, as it is a hit and miss business. But – we adjust quickly. We could care less about the long term value of a stock or anything other than our small trading window of opportunity and exploiting it to the max. The key is getting the direction of the move right – the rest is just managing the risk.
I started this Fund after spending 10 years perfecting the technology and testing it on thousands of live trading events. Back-testing is worthless for this strategy. My goal is not only to make a ton of money for our partners but to disrupt a paradigm that says, “No one can predict the markets.” To which I reply; “Watch us.’
Best Regards,
Dane Spotts