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First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Street Address
Zip Code

Provide your cell phone number for text notifications. 
(Important for receiving Trade Alerts to your mobile device)

Terms of Use / Service Acknowledgement
IMPORTANT: By typing my signature below and sending it via the Internet, I acknowledge I have read and fully understand the “Terms of Use” Agreement. I understand the significant risks involved in trading and that I can lose money. I will abide by all conditions in this agreement, and intend StockJumpers, LLC to rely upon it; and signing this digital agreement makes me bound to all these terms of service/use and all other agreements and disclosures provided to me; and that I understand and agree my electronic signature is the equivalent of a manual written signature. I can have a hard copy of the Agreement sent to me upon request.
If you wish to sign a physical hard copy of this agreement instead of using your digital signature, please email or call and one will be sent to you to sign via email. 

Credit Card Information

Name on Card
Card Number
Card Type
Card Security Code
Expiration Month
Expiration Year (YYYY)