1664% Profit – Seriously Who Can Do That Consistently…
It was an amazing year. We did just under 1,700% on Jump Zone profits (check it out) and our WIN ratio was close to 80%. That’s phenomenal. For those members who stayed in on the Nike trade last night, congratulations… it too was a winner. Our data said to short it – even though we knew it was a solid beat. They did .46 EPS busting the expected .39 and the stock popped up a bit like we expected but then down – down – down… for a nice little 6% profit EXACTLY as forecast.
Who in the world can do this – THIS WELL?
Tons of opportunity going forward as this is just the begining. We keep tweaking our protocols and members profit. Look at the last 2-3 years the progression of accuracy. Well – we put millions into it.. and now its time to reap what you sow.
Merry Christmas – everyone. Good Trading and lets celebrate success with our family’s and loved ones and then get back to the charts next week.
Oh and in case you missed it… here is the Nike chart this morning… Yep – love the smell of candlesticks in the morning. It’s victory!